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바른 방송, 좋은 방송
AM 1660

'세계의 수도' 뉴욕에서 방송되는 AM 1660 K-RADIO는
미 동부 50만 한인을 대표하는 라디오 방송사입니다.

1982년 시작된 미주 지역 한국어 방송은
급속적인 발전과 성장을 거듭해
한인 동포들의 삶의 애환을 함께 나누며 성장해왔습니다.
WWRU AM1660은 2004년 완전한 한국어 방송으로 전환,
2015년에는 K-RADIO로 거듭나며
뉴욕, 뉴저지, 코네티컷 지역에 주 7일 24시간 한국어 방송을 송출하고 있습니다. 

AM 1660 K-RADIO is the most influential broadcaster established for the Korean community in the East Coast. Based in New York City, home to one of the largest population of Koreans and Korean-Americans in the US, the station serves 250,000 Koreans in the East Coast and beyond. As these communities took root, Korean radio broadcasts rose in popularity as a way for Korean immigrants to share information, language, hope and the future.


Initially a two hour Korean language program within the frequency, the station has since established itself as a major broadcaster of Korean-American programming in the eastern United States. In 2004, AM 1660 became a dedicated Korean language station and in 2015 K-Radio began broadcasting Korean language programming throughout the East Coast 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


AM 1660 K-RADIO programs and live video shows now broadcast across the world via Internet-based social media platforms and smartphone applications, while new contents and programs are constantly being developed in response to the needs of Korean communities in the US and abroad.

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K-Radio는 여러 가지 광고 옵션을 제공합니다. 

​아래 연락처로 문의해주세요.

(718) 352 - 1660

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